Welcome to MerinoLink
Engagement – Exploration – Exchange
MerinoLink Limited is a not for profit organisation that aims to facilitate sheep grower’s and service providers link with information, knowledge and research.
MerinoLink’s key focus is :
- To ensure all data and information disseminated by MerinoLink has integrity and a commercial focus.
- To promote the profitability of Merino sheep.
- To be open to anyone joining, embracing a wide range of ideas and perspectives.
- To provide education and networking opportunities to breeders and service providers.
- To provide mentoring to young people wanting a career in agriculture and in particular the sheep and wool industry.
- To liaise and work with Sheep Genetics, Australian Wool Innovation and Meat and Livestock Australia about issues and research questions relating the members and the industry as a whole.
- To promote the use of ASBV’s, Central Test Sire Evaluation, Wether Trials and other trials that provide benchmarking information and opportunities.
- To identify, initiate and facilitate research and development.